Miss Hutton

As with Mrs. Grimley, a truly fabulous RE and Theology teacher and equally barking mad, but that’s why we love her so much. Thousands of pounds in debt, unmarried, a student at Oxford University (had to sell her car to stay there) and head of the Student Council, it is no surprise that we were very sad to see her go.

Being armed with a great sense of humour and a total inability to spell made her the perfect candidate for some super quotes!!

·        It has one major weaknesses…

(Slight grammatical error, perhaps?)


·        It is so small, you can only see it with a Microsoft…

(Miss. Hutton discussing embryos)


·        “And thus the Theology group invented killer babies…”

(Our group conversation clearly got lost down an increasingly more bizarre path that day…)


·         Only by smashing the cells into millions of pieces were scientists to read them

(Alright, to be fair, Miss. Hutton did not actually say this, it was from a PowerPoint presentation in her lesson, but I just thought it was an interesting scientific term!)


·         My dad has a few points on his licence … like, 12…”


·         I never played with Barbies. I used to hang all my dollies”


·         Female student: “I like Michael Jackson”

Miss Hutton: “You look like Michael Jackson”



Miss Hutton was renowned for her spelling mistakes, occasionally causing embarrassing hilarity. The best of which was ‘Life is scared’ (Intention = sacred)

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