Mr L Aquino

A most polite and intelligent gentleman, Signor Leonardo Aquino (to use his full Italian name) is a treasure to the teaching profession. Whilst switching from pessimism to optimism like a manic-depressive, we have had many an interesting conversation with him. His French trips are top-class and we have all learnt a lot from him, such as the fact that he refuses to eat chocolate but will happily eat Haribo until the end of his days.

Along with his ability of tongues (no sick jokes, please … we have enough of them with the French orals…), when he wants to show it, he has a most wicked sense of humour and he was also able to pull off the most hilarious and unique quotes. Messieurs et Mesdames, voilą the Aquino classics:

·        “If I said ‘my heart bleeds for you’, I’d be lying!


·        Student: “The luge is safe!”

Mr Aquino: “Yeah, you can see death coming!



·        “I like dogs. Taste lovely on a barbecue”.

*dial tone* Hello, RSPCA?


·        “You worry me …” (Said on countless occasions to his students)


·        “A homeless person shouted at me … but at least I have an f****** job!!”

(In response to the question, ‘How did the strike go yesterday?’)


·        “You’ve written 80 words, and you’ve only got 200 … don’t go nuts”.

(Mr. Aquino’s advice on how to answer the final question on a A level French exam paper)


·        Mr. Aquino: How did you get out for your oral?

Student: I said to Ms. Wilshaw, ‘I’m going to my oral now, bye!’

Mr. Aquino: You’re still with us?!

(Mr. Aquino asking myself how I managed to talk Ms. Wilshaw into allowing me to leave the all-day English revision session)



·        Student: You have such a pretty face

Mr. Aquino: You’re gonna get a punch!


·        Student A: “I used the wrong ‘there’!”

Student B: “Mrs Wilshaw will have you shot!”

Mr Aquino: “Nah, she wouldn’t waste the bullet!”


·        Student: “He’s gonna kill me”

Mr. Aquino: “You’d better run…”

Student: “I’m gonna run…”

Mr. Aquino: “You’d better run faster!”


·        “It looks fast because all the dots are closer together! That’s how ignorant I am with music!”

(Leo in the presence of Grade 8 clarinet music)


  • “Come on – choose an answer. With every second, my death becomes sooner and I get closer to the grave…”

(Mr. Aquino’s disturbing response to the silence caused by his class of three students not knowing the answer to his question)



  • LA: “Was it in there?”

Student: “Yes”


(Aquino when proved right that a certain French grammatical question is always in the exam paper)


·        “Slimy vegetable head”

(Aquino describing aubergines … you can tell he likes them)

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